Marketing Services
Marketing Services
We create strong, original and sustainable marketing plans, which will strengthen your market share and improve your competitiveness through targeted and clear promotion and communication strategies. We build together the desired marketing plan according to your needs and corporate goals, through a dynamic process. A successful marketing plan includes research into the company’s internal and external environment to explore various indicators, such as the view of employees, suppliers and consumers about the brand. Afterwards, the current situation is presented and the bases for future development and the creation of a strong brand are determined. The process we follow includes three different stages, each of which has a separate form. In the first stage, we record in detail your goals, needs and requirements, and evaluate them based on the current strategies. In the second stage, the various characteristics, needs and requirements are determined through a market segmentation process, as well as the strategies and results implemented by the biggest competitors in the industry. Finally, in the third stage, the proposed actions and strategies are presented, harmonized with the philosophy, technology and resources of your business.
Market research records the attitudes, perceptions, preferences and needs of consumers (and potential customers) and is an important tool for improving and introducing new products/services in the industry. Successful research depends on a number of factors such as sample selection, questionnaire design, and targeting area. Our services in the field of market research, aim to develop strategic actions that will strengthen and improve your competitive advantages. Through special research tools we suggest ways and solutions to increase your market share within Greece, but also the successful introduction of your products in foreign markets.
Consumers are interested in products and services that offer them experiences, they have a clear and unique identity Their success, as well as your company’s success, depends not only on the offer of high quality and competitive price, but also on your ability to create unique stories, that establish an emotional and mental connection with the end user. We use modern tools and innovative methodologies to develop original narrative stories, which lead to increased profits and market share, improving also the perceived customer satisfaction. We help you create a strong and clear image of your product or service, which evokes the emotional connection of the user and creates a strong brand perception. We specialize in redesigning the overall brand identity, repositioning it in the market and creating a new, original and different image in the public consciousness.